MESO Events (National European Music Day Network Representative and Coordinator) is proud to announce a new partnership with the Virtuelle Cluster Initiative (VCI).
VCI is an international competitiveness initiative based on the exhibition approach which allows regions, countries, initiatives, SMEs, and states to be presented as exhibitions. The VCI exhibition integrates applications, such as, Voice over IP, live chat, real-time polling, surveys, social media, v-card, exchange, and collaboration tools to create a fully interactive virtual experience accompanied with a virtual 3-D booth.
The VCI aims to strengthen the competitiveness and increase the level of awareness of the SMEs. This promotes cross-border linkages between specialised research and innovation hubs that lead to strategic innovation alliances.
Strategically placing a virtual exhibition around the world will set a new framework for SMEs. This will revolutionize the effective range of your marketing activities and in addition, it will increase the level of exposure.