NIMPE partners meet again between 15th and 17th of October, in Quimper (FR) this time. For the 4th international meeting of NIMPE project partners, it will be an opportunity to follow up on the preparation of the NIMPE MUSIC FACTORY events during Milano Music Week and the Linecheck Festival, the implementation of the NIMPE Work Book, and also to attend the first Innovation Lab organised by Tehnopole Quimper Cornouaille Team!
The 1st Innovation Lab will take place in Quimper (France) on October 16th.
Since the mid-2000s, the music sector is a playground that sees many innovations flourish: new services and technological products supporting the digitization and socialization of music throughout a web based chain using (i.e.) streaming, DIY platforms for artistic creation, digital marketing, self management of rights (blockchain …), live broadcasting, cashless ticketing, digital distribution, augmented reality, big data …
As the Music Industry is fully related to so many digital tools and services the Innovation Lab first edition will focus
on the ways to integrate digital tools in the music industry at local and regional level, and also with a European openness.
During the Lab, representatives from the University of Bretagne Occidentale, the Festival of les Les Vieilles Charrues (one of the biggest European festival with 280 000 festival goers) and partners of the European Music Incubator will give us an overview on the latest evolution related to Music Business and Innovation.
Following the 4th international Meeting in Quimper, Italian and Greek NIMPE Partners will then head to network NIMPE in Paris during the MaMA Festival & Convention.
Stay tuned