MESO Events (National European Music Day Network Representative and Coordinator) is proud to announce a new partnership with the Intercultural Euro-Mediterranean Center for Unesco (IEMC-UNESCO).
The IEMC-UNESCO targets at the cultivation and the development of friendship and cooperation between the members in the Societies of this Association and between the people of all the regions in the entity of European, Mediterranean, Middle East, North African, Black Sea, Red Sea and Arab Countries areas in general, united under their diversities, aiming at the moral and material promotion of the peoples of all European , Mediterranean , Middle East, Black Sea, North African and Arab countries, at the securing of Peace, of Democracy as well as the respect and promotion of Human Rights and Freedom, the Family protection, the Equality of sexes, the protection of Women and Children, the Environmental protection, the promotion of the Unesco’s principle “ Education for All”, the promotion of Issues regarding Youth matters, the promotion of Information and Communication, the Research and Quest of programs Aiming at the Promotion of New Natural Resources, Energy issues.
Furthermore, IEMC-UNESCO targets at the promotion of fruitful diversities of Cultures protecting the diversity of Cultural expression, the Encouragement and Cooperation on issues of Cross-Cultural Strategies and activities of Mutual Cultural Exchanges, the Protection of World Heritage Monuments, as well as the Promotion of the National Cultural Identity and all Tangible and Intangible Heritage.